Thursday 13 September 2007

British Television

Brits watch a lot of American television. True, they get it later than we do, but why do they watch so much American television when they have all their BBC shows?

Because British television, frankly, sucks.

Despite this, however, we watch these shows in my flat as though they were the newest and greatest episodes of Grey's Anatomy that anybody has ever seen. Even the daytime television, which is even worse than the soapy prime-time shows, are somehow entrapping: we watch a show about auctioning off antiques, and get really into it. Despite its campiness, we want to know how much a breast pump from the 1800s will fetch at auction.

And then there is Hollyoaks. This one is the sort of quality that is normally seen in daytime American TV, but it's made for the young adult crowd. Lately on Hollyoaks, John Paul has recently outed Craig because Craig was falling in love with John Paul but engaged to Sara, and Nancy is sleeping with her dead sister's widow. Corny, soapy crap. And yet the five of us gather around while cooking tea (dinner) every night and watch Hollyoaks at 6:30 (sorry, 18:30).

This is part of why I am now signed up to play rugby twice weekly, but more on that later - I have to go to a meeting with my Director of Studies.